Minimizing yourcarbon emissions is one of the steps companies must take to be climate responsible. With a goodcarbon analysis, you gain insight into where the quick wins are and can transparently communicate environmental performance to your customers.
Can you offsetCO2 or becomecarbon neutral?
To be climate responsible, we must take active steps to reduce all avoidableCO2 emissions. CO2 remains in the atmosphere for hundreds of years, so minimizing emissions is crucial.
Although trees can “offset”CO2 by absorbing as muchCO2 as was emitted, we avoid using terms such asCO2 offset orCO2 neutral. TheCO2 released by burning oil or gas would have been safely stored in the earth’s soil for billions of years without human activity. This is preferable to storingCO2 in trees. Therefore, the goal is always to minimizeCO2 emissions.
Another reason we do not talk aboutcarbon offsets orcarbon neutral products is because these terms give the impression that there are no negative effects to excessive consumption. As a result, these words unconsciously encourage overconsumption. As a result, many climate-conscious consumers associate these terms with greenwashing.
It is also challenging to accurately measure all emissions in the production chain. OfficialCO2 emission standards are sometimes based on political choices, which can lead to distorted results. Establishing a product ascarbon neutral requires extensive research, which is costly and even then not always reliable.
In our view, you only useCO2 analyses to get a picture of where the most ground can be gained. Based on the results, you will work to take measures to minimizeCO2 emissions as effectively as possible. In addition, instead of planting just enough trees to become “carbon neutral,” go to work to plant as many trees as possible. That way you make maximum impact, avoid the association with greenwashing and avoid expensive surveys.
What do we offer?
We give your organization tools to minimizecarbon emissions. To this end, we have developed aCO2 analysis based on the GHG Protocol, the international standard in the field ofCO2 analysis. We have adapted the GHG protocol to take into account Dutch realities. For theCO2 emission factors, we use the factors established by the central government and Milieu Centraal.
Our analysis always includes emissions directly linked to your organization (e.g., fuel consumption). Indirect emissions (for example, from the production of goods you import) can also be included. Thus, we map all emissions to Scope 2 and partially Scope 3. We always do an intake first to determine if our analysis is accurate enough to give your business tools.
If the intake gives the green light, you will receive a questionnaire tailored to your type of organization. Based on this questionnaire, we calculateCO2 emissions. If, in our view, the standard deviates from reality, we include it in our notes. The result is a well-organized PDF.
We may determine that your type of organization requires acarbon analysis at a higher level of detail. Or that you are looking for an organization that complements the results with a comprehensive advisory report and additional consulting. In that case, unFootprint partners with ImpactNow. ImpactNow is an expert incarbon analysis and corporate social responsibility consulting. ImpactNow is experienced on the ISO14001 standard and theCO2 performance ladder, among others.
You will receive a summary analysis ofCO2 emissions, prepared using the GHG protocol, the international standard in the field ofCO2 analyses.