Support the climate as a freelancer

Are you motivated to contribute to a better climate? Have trees planted on behalf of your clients and support the climate as a freelancer.

Become part of the solution

As a freelancer, despite your limited CO2 emissions, you often have an intrinsic motivation to contribute to a livable future. We are happy to help you! Our mission is to enable your company to make a positive contribution to a greener world. We do this by enabling you to easily plant trees for actions of your customers. You decide what you will have trees planted for, we will take care of the rest!

Support the climate as a ZZP, right from your browser

Support the climate as a freelancer

Relevant services

Use the following services to make sustainable impact.

Donate trees

Trees not only absorb CO2, they have numerous other benefits. They provide biodiversity, shade, food and economic development. Everyone knows the positive effects of trees. Therefore, trees are a valuable gift to donate on behalf of clients.

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Show impact

Too often still, the impact you make is hidden in an annual CSR report or a non-current sustainability page. However, consumers want to be able to see at a glance what you have accomplished on the page where they make the purchase decision. That’s why unFootprint has developed widgets and badges that you can add to your site where you think it’s important. Are you ordering new trees? Then the widgets are automatically updated.

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Send e-cards

Increasingly, you see the opportunity to contribute to a sustainable project for an additional cost. It costs the customer money, but then he has no idea what happens to it. E-cards solve that problem. If you provide a name and email address when ordering, an email will automatically be sent to the customer with all the information about the planted trees. In addition, it is a positive contact moment with the customer.

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CO2 analysis

CO2 analyses give you insight into what steps you can take to reduce CO2 emissions. You gain insight into where the quick wins are and you can transparently communicate with customers about your environmental performance.

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Every company should be able to make sustainable impact. That’s what unFootprint likes to make as simple as possible, leaving you time to run your business and become more sustainable. With the customer portal, you control all your unFootprint business from the convenience of your browser or phone.

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Gift Cards

Many companies want to give customers or employees a physical business gift or tangible tree planting certificate. UnFootprint meets this need with eco-friendly alternatives to regular corporate gifts.

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